

‘Nadis’ are energy channels or energy pathways that carry ‘prana’ or ‘life-force’ through the human body. The Sanskrit term ‘nadi’ comes from the root ‘nad,’ which means motion, flow, or vibration. Within the human body there is a subtle and perfect network of 72,000 nadis that distribute this life force throughout the whole body. The nadis connect at special energy points called ‘chakras’. Of the 72,000 nadis in the human body, there are 14 principal nadis and three that are considered to be the most important; Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. On the physical level, the nadis correspond to the nervous system, but their influence extends beyond the physical plane of our existence.

In the same manner that veins and arteries are important for the healthy functioning of our physical body, nadis weave through our physical nerves as well as the subtle circuitry of the mind, of the self, of the consciousness matrix that supports our physical presence from invisible dimensions of existence.

Prana, the life force needs to flow freely through the energetic channels of the body for an individual to be healthy. When the life force is weak or congested, it leads to poor mental and physical health. Blockages in the nadis are often caused by painful and traumatic life experiences, therefore opening these channels through “energy clearing and balancing” is important for our overall mental, physical and emotional well-being. If all the nadis are functioning well there is a general sense of well-being.

The energy clearing and balancing provided at Jai Wellbeing is aimed at removing energetic blockages from the nadis as well as from the various energetic fields in the body.  This type of energetic clearing and balancing is essential to recover from traumatic life experiences, physical injury, mental distress, addictions and any number of mental, emotional and physical issues that compromise a person’s energetic field. Energy clearing and balancing generally bring a sense of harmony to the mind, body and spirit.


At Jai Wellbeing, radiesthesia is used to assess the vibrational field of the client and anything animate or inanimate that the client interacts with to gain a deeper understanding of the client’s wholistic health.

Radiesthesia is a precise science that uses the vibrational fields of the human body to access information about other objects of animate or inanimate nature by establishing resonance with their energy fields using specially calibrated instruments, and a scale of qualitative measurement to decode this information. Matter from which everything in the universe is a form of energy is an infinite arrangements of atoms made up of particles that are in a constant state of circular motion, i.e. energy interaction. The frequency at which this energy is vibrating determines the density of its expression as matter. Matter vibrating at a relatively slow frequency gives us the solid state of our physical universe. Super imposed on this solid state of matter are energy fields that vibrate at higher frequencies that are beyond our normal human sensory perception. These fields that surround all living systems are a series of multidimensional energy fields, that together with the physical state, form the total living body that should be dealt with as a wholistic composition.

Given the nature of the extended body, there are many interactions that exist at a threshold beyond the sensitivity of our perception that have no physical perceivable manifestation, but affect our whole multidimensional body system. When energy systems are in close contact, the resulting interaction modifies the vibrational properties of the systems. Radiesthesia allows us to extend our perception to tune into an unperceived world beyond the normal range, thus giving us a view into the realm of vibrational interaction and opening unlimited avenues for research into understanding the true wholistic nature of our bodies.

At Jai Wellbeing radiesthesia is also used to assess homes, businesses, and various types of properties that a client may be engaged with on a daily basis. Radiesthesia is used to clear homes of harmful energies and harmonize the human energy field of the occupants with that of the home. The same energy clearing and harmonizing is also done for businesses.